Winkler Community Foundation » Grants



Leave a Legacy



We take a broad view of what makes a community and what it takes for a community to succeed.

Our community grants support for projects under that broad canopy including shelter, sustenance and care for those most in need, to recreation, the arts, and community activities for the benefit of all. 


2023 grant cheque group photo

Community Fund, Jake & Tina Neisteter Memorial, and Thomas Sill Fund

These community funds support:

  • Arts, Culture & Recreation
  • Family & Community Services
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Heritage
  • Leadership

Darlene Gale Peters Endowment Fund

The Darlene Gale Peters Fund supports:

  • Health-related education
  • Health-related programs 

2014 Power Smart Manitoba Winter Games Sport Legacy Fund

The Sports Legacy Fund supports:

  • Opportunities for promotion and enhancement of sport leadership and/or sport development
  • Organizations for the benefit of sport
  • Projects aligned with True Sport principles

Grant Applications are OPEN for 2025

There is one grant application for all grant programs. Please see below for how to apply. 

Central Station, Community Service Recovery Grant Recipient


There is one application process for all of our competitive grants.

Application deadline: April 15 annually 

An acknowledgement will be sent via email upon receipt of both the application and supporting documents. Please note: you must submit a final report from your previous grant before submitting a new application. 

1. Terms of Grant
2. Preparing to Apply
3. Application Form
4. Required Documents

 The Winkler Community Foundation grant-making provides financial support to qualified community groups whose activities advance the foundation’s objectives. These objectives are:

  • To support social services to advance the welfare of the needy and the alleviation of human suffering and poverty
  • To support and develop recreation and physical fitness activities
  • To assist and promote the arts, culture and heritage activities;
  • To advance education;
  • To support and advance the provision of medical services;
  • To support the enhancement of the environment;
  • To support and advance other community activities or facilities of a charitable nature.

Grant Guidelines:

  1. Project must primarily benefit the people of Winkler and District.
  2. Grants are made only to non-profit organizations with CRA Registration Numbers and other qualified recipients under the Income Tax Act.
  3. Grants to Non-Qualified Donees (NQD) to be kept under 5% of WCF overall disbursements.
  4. Each individual grant to a Non-Qualified Donee (NQD) recipient must be under $5,000.
  5. Self-directed funds are not eligible to grant to Non-Qualified Donees (NQDs).
  6. Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong and committed board, fiscal responsibility, and management qualifications.
  7. Grants are awarded for definite purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.
  8. Pilot or demonstration projects must include provision for an evaluation and a realistic plan for financial viability beyond the pilot stage.
  9. The Foundation encourages the participation of others in funding projects, and, on occasion, provides matching funds or challenge grants to stimulate increased response from other sources.
  10. Organizations must submit a satisfactory report on their previous Community Grant showing accountability for the use of the funds within one year. Failure to complete the final report may result in denial of future grant applications.

Grants are not made to or for:

  • projects or programs that will be completed before the grant decision takes place;
  • operating expenses/ capital deficits/ mortgages;
  • annual fund drives;
  • establish or add to endowment funds;
  • specific medical research projects or scientific research projects;
  • direct religious activities;
  • political activities;
  • individuals

The following information is needed to complete the online application. The first section collects all pertinent organization information, providing an initial snapshot to the grant provider about the applicant.


  • Name of organization
  • Charitable registration number
  • Mission statement
  • Number of employees
  • Number of volunteers the project will engage
  • Mailing address
  • Website

The second section collects the main contact’s information to provide follow up communication.


  • Contact person
  • Contact title/position
  • Contact phone number
  • Contact email address
  • Applicant name (if different from contact person)
  • Applicant email address

The third section offers a brief summary of your project.


  • Project name
  • Amount requested
  • Project start and completion dates
  • Approved by the Board of Directors
  • Partial funding (will the project still proceed?)
  • Recognition

The fourth section asks about any other applied for and/or received financial support. The Winkler Community Foundation encourages partnership and working with others in funding projects.


  • Other sources of funding
  • Upload applicable documents

The fifth section asks for specific information and descriptions to make sure your organization has a clear understanding of the impact the project will have on the community. This offers a comprehensive breakdown of your project and presents the granting committee with a detailed overview of the project’s objectives, timeline, and anticipated outcomes.


  • Descriptive summary
  • Who will benefit
  • Need and importance in the community
  • Implementation (specific activities and timelines)
  • Evaluation (success and benefits for the community)

The sixth section requires you to submit the following documentation.


  • Copy of the most current audited or reviewed financial statement
  • Detailed budget including applicable quotes for capital purchases
  • List of all Board of Directors

If you have any questions during the application process, you can contact the Community Development Coordinator at 431-775-9882 or

Please complete the Grants Application Form.

The deadline to apply is April 15, 2025.


A final report from your previous grant and all required documents for your current grant must be submitted for your application to be considered.

  • Financial Statement: a copy of the most current audited or reviewed financial statements
  • Budget & Quotes: a detailed project budget, including any quotations for capital purchases
  • Board of Directors: a list of Officers of the Governing Board and all Directors
  • Financial Support: a list of any other sources of support for this project (organizations, amount, confirmed/unconfirmed)

The deadline for grant applications is April 15, 2025.


Winkler Library, Community Grant recipient

Is my project eligible for a grant?

To be eligible for a grant from the Winkler Community Foundation, your organization must have a registered charity number and your project must primarily serve the citizens of Winkler and surrounding community. Please review the Terms of Grants. If you still have questions, contact our Executive Director.

How much should our organization apply for?

Some of the lowest grants we’ve ever provided have been a few hundred dollars and the highest grant was $50,000 over a 5-year commitment. On average, our grants range from $1,000 to $10,000 per grant.

What kind of things have you funded?

We support projects and programs where a moderate grant will have a significant impact. We typically do not fund 100% percent of a project. Consider reviewing the list of Grant Recipients on this website in advance, to get a better understanding of what has typically been funded in the past.

Is there something you don’t fund?

Grants are not made to: 

• support operating expenses of established agencies; 

• individuals; 

• project costs related to activities undertaken before the date of the Grants Committee or Board decision; 

• annual fundraising campaigns or annual fundraising events; 

• pay down mortgages or reduce deficits; 

• political activities; 

• exclusively religious activities, defined as proselytizing related to a specific set of organized beliefs and practices; 

• establish or add to endowment funds

My project has already started/ended. Can I still apply funding?

Please contact the Executive Director to determine whether a part of your project is still eligible.

My previous project is not yet complete. May I apply for a new grant?

We will accept a new grant application only after your previous project is complete and a final report has been submitted. 

What do you look for in a grant application?

Preference is given to projects which: 

• Align with The Winkler Community Foundation’s strategic granting priorities; 

• Demonstrate innovative approaches and techniques to solve community issues, and build individual, neighbourhood and/or community capacity; 

• Encourage more efficient use of community resources; 

• Promote cooperation and sharing among organizations to minimize the potential for duplication of services;

• Promote volunteer participation; 

• Strengthen an organization’s capacity to be sustainable. 

• Demonstrate accessibility and inclusiveness; 

• Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity; 

• Address the root causes of issues in our society; 

• Demonstrate that consideration has been given to the project’s effect on the environment


In 2024, we supported local people, projects and places with over $140,000

Agency Fund Grants
Fire Rescue Fund
Winkler Fire Department Mental Health First Aid Training Course and open house training aids $981
Heritage Museum Fund
Winkler Heritage Museum Operating $1,927
Gateway Resources Fund
Gateway Resources 204 Main Street project – furnishings & supplies $56,905
Community Fund Grants
Organization Description Amount
Reinfeld Park Playground & picnic shelter $10,000
Central Station Poverty Reduction Program $10,000
Pembina Counselling Centre Client Assistance $5,000
Child & Family Services of Central Manitoba Foundation Inc. Chance to grow – children participate in extra curricular programs $3,000
Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation Education Days $2,500
Habitat for Humanity Winkler-Morden Chapter New house build $2,500
Northland Child Care Centre Inc. Playground upgrade – new woodchips $1,500
Southwood Elementary School/ GVSD Sandpit $1,500
Winkler Day Care Centre Playground refresh $1,500
Healthy Muslim Families New office furnishings $1,000
Douglas Kuhl School of Music Technology upgrade $500
Discovery Nature Sanctuary Committee Pollinator Garden $500
South Central Regional Library Dishwasher $800
Winkler Arts and Culture Centre
Summer art program $760
Designated Fund Grants
Katie Cares Fund
Katie Cares Operating $5,115
Frank & Vi Wiebe Cheerboard Fund
Winkler & District Cheerboard Annual Christmas Hampers $3,223


Donor Advised Fund Grants
Kalansky Family Fund
The Bunker Industrial Eats Project $1,000
MAP Family Fund
GVSD – JR Walkof School Wyatt Fehr Outdoor Classroom $2,271
Mend the Gap Fund
Central Station Community Housing Emerency needs $2,266
Field of Interest Fund Grants
Darlene Peters Health Fund
South Central Cancer Resource Skin Screen Clinic $3,000
Salem Home Inc Salem Park $1,990
2014 MB Winter Games Sports Legacy Fund
Winkler Whips Scoreboard $3,759
Dr CW Wiebe Medical Fund 
Winkler & District Health Care Board Exam table $9,476


Mend The Gap Fund, Central Station Play Structure Project

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill

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